DIY Headache Relief

Symptomatic relief of headaches can often be achieved through acupressure. The great thing about acupressure is that you can do it yourself, anytime, anywhere. Try this* the next time you have a mild headache: Taking one hand, squeeze the thumb against the base of the index finger. The acupressure point for headaches is found at…


2015 Nutrition Apps & Guides

Start 2015 off right with nutrition tips from Victory Health & Wellness!! We thought it would be good to post a little something on nutrition to start your year off on the right foot.  Dietitian’s of Canada puts out a different nutrition-related campaign every year; this year is Simply Cook and Enjoy. The idea is…


5 Tips for Processing Refined Sugar

It’s the New Year! After spending the holidays with family, friends, and festivities. When indulging in more than your usual quotient of delectable treats, it is important to remember that these behaviours take a toll on your body. If you are like most of us, your body could probably use a little extra support in…


Interrupt Your Sitting!

If you are like most university students, you probably spend a large portion of your day in the seated position. It’s pretty hard to avoid, given the lengthy classes, labs, projects, exams, study sessions and so on. This sitting culture is not unique to university students. There are many careers that have employees sitting for…
