Our UVic acupuncturist is Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner. Dr. Brewster Scott, ND is also our UVic Naturopath! Dr. Brewster Scott ND, R.TCMP is licensed to do both naturopathy and acupuncture, she is available Sundays. For more information about our practitioners, reviews, blogs, rates and exact hours please visit the information tab, found under the main menu.
Victory Therapeutics Ltd. has been offering acupuncture in Victoria since 2011. Acupuncture is an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a medical science originating some 3000 years ago in ancient China. Acupuncture is based on the concept of energy pathways or meridians running throughout the body, which connect and supply the various organ systems with qi or vital energy, the basis of mental and physical health. When the qi is abundant and flows freely and smoothly, optimal health is attained. But when the qi becomes depleted or blocked by various factors such as environmental influences, physical and emotional stress, improper diet or lifestyle changes, there is an imbalance in the flow of qi, which prevents its normal function of communicating health and vitality throughout the body. Over time, this can manifest as various chronic health disorders and disease. If blockages in the meridians are severe, pain can result, indicating that the qi has become totally stagnated. In acupuncture, the tips of fine, solid needles (about the width of a hair strand) are inserted through the skin into specific points along the meridians to release these blockages and stimulate flow, gently guiding the qi back to a state of balance, naturally releasing pain and restoring health and well being.
Acupuncture is widely practiced throughout the world, making its public debut in North America in the 1970’s, when it was initially known for its benefits in pain relief. But it’s not just for pain – acupuncture is a safe, effective way to treat a wide variety of diseases and medical conditions. In 2003, an official report from the World Health Organization (WHO) specifically listed 28 symptoms, diseases or conditions for which acupuncture has been proven through controlled trials to be an effective treatment.
The list included such wide-ranging conditions such as:
What to expect on your first visit:
Nearly 80 more conditions (including fibromyalgia, PMS, and insomnia to name a few) were reported by controlled trials to have some therapeutic benefits, warranting further trials to establish statistical proof. Since then, acupuncture has undergone a rite of passage into Canada’s mainstream health care with B.C. leading the way as the first province to offer acupuncture treatments as a supplementary benefit for its Medical Services Plan (MSP) in 2008.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are available at the University of Victoria campus by appointment. In order to obtain a complete picture of your treatment needs, you will be asked in detail during your initial appointment about your health history, constitution, and any other signs or symptoms you may be experiencing besides your immediate health concern. Be sure to inform the Acupuncturist about all treatments, medications, and medical conditions you have or have had. Your pulse and tongue may be checked. You may be given recommendations for diet, lifestyle or behavioural changes to help improve your condition.
An initial acupuncture treatment can usually be provided on your first visit. You may need to disrobe, depending on the acupuncture points selected for your treatment, but always to your comfort level. You’ll be asked to lie either face up or face down on the treatment table. Single-use, sterile stainless steel needles are used. You may feel a slight pricking sensation on inserting the needles. Once inserted, there may be a feeling of a dull ache around the needle which may occasionally seem to travel, or you may not feel anything. These are all normal acupuncture sensations. Once the needles are in, they are retained for some time, with intermittent stimulation. You will have time to relax and take in the treatment. Effects may appear up to 24 hours afterwards (the time it takes for the qi to complete one circulation in the body’s meridians).
We happily accept patients from the greater Victoria area. We are UVic’s complementary healthcare clinic. Our approach is comprehensive; we work closely with each other to help restore our clients back to optimal health. Our clinicians deal with a wide range of symptoms including: muscular dysfunction, joint pathology, gastrointestinal problems, lack of energy, insomnia, anxiety, and depression. We use techniques such as diet changes, massage, joint manipulation, eastern techniques like needling and others to combat these common conditions.