All rates include applicable taxes.
We happily accept patients from the greater Victoria area!
You do not need a doctor’s referral to see any of the practitioners but some health plans require them on some services if you want reimbursement. Please look in to your plan for details. We bill health plans directly whenever possible. Please email us your extended health information or fill out the insurance intake form in the patient portal (by clicking “book online now”) 2 business days prior to your appointment. We will preapprove you for direct billing.
UVSS undergraduate health plan:
Please do not book one of these services unless you are an undergraduate student and have not opted of the UVSS health plan. No referrals are required to access any of our services. The default enhanced plan covers 80% per appointment, up to $300 for each practitioner, per school year (Sept.-Aug.). The basic plan (you would have needed to downgrade your plan) covers only $30/appointment up to $200/school year. Dr. referrals may be required for the basic plan, please look into your plan. See rates below.
GSS graduate health plan:
Graduate students on the GSS health plan only need to pay between $10–20 for each service. A one time per year $10 deductible may apply. No referral is required to access our services. This plan covers $250 per calendar year, per practitioner. Your plan does not cover the dietitian.
Other health plans:
If your plan allows for direct billing we will bill it for you. We need your health insurance information 2 business days before your appointment to preapprove you. If your plan does not allow direct billing, fees are paid up front at the time of treatment. A receipt is issued for you to send in for reimbursement. Please see our extended health page for more details.
All treatment times include assessment, treatment, and homecare as needed. Due to high processing fees, a 2.4% credit card convenience fee is added to all credit card transactions.
Please look into your specific plan for details.
Massage Therapy
We strongly recommend booking at least a 55 minute appointment on your first visit. Each treatment time includes assessment, treatment and homecare if needed.
Rates INCLUDE applicable taxes (GST):
- 55 minutes $31 (Undergrad -UVSS enhanced plan) – NO Dr. referral required
- 55 minutes $15 (Graduate – GSS plan) – 1x/yr $10 deductible may apply, NO Dr. referral required
- 2 Hour $240 – 48 hour cancellation notice required & credit card information must be provided to hold 2 hour appointments.
- 85 minutes $190
- 55 minutes $135
- 25 minutes $75
- Initial $18 & Subsequent $12 (undergrad -UVSS plan) – NO referral required
- Initial $10 & subsequent $10 (Graduate – GSS plan) – NO referral required
- Initial $90
- Subsequent $60
Nutrition Counseling
- All dietitian appointments are done remotely through secured video conference
- Initial appointments should be booked for 1 hour.
- No Dr. referral required,
- Direct billing is NOT available.
- Payment is made via etransfer, a receipt is emailed to you for you to submit to your health plan for reimbursement.
- The UVSS undergraduate plan reimburses 80%.
- 60 minutes $150
- 30 minutes $75
We strongly recommend booking a 55 minute appointment on your first visit. Each treatment time includes assessment, treatment and homecare if needed.
- 55 minutes $23 (initial, $32 follow up (Undergrad-UVSS enhanced plan) – NO referral required
- 25 minutes $13 (Undergrad-UVSS enhanced plan) – NO referral required
- Initial & Subsequent $10 (Graduate – GSS plan) – NO referral required
- 1hr $115
- Subsequent (30 minutes) $65
- Herb supplement & wellness consultation (25 minutes) $50 (UVSS 80% covered, GSS $10)
We strongly recommend booking at least a 1 hour appointment on your first visit. Each treatment time includes assessment, treatment and homecare if needed.
- 30 minutes $18 (Undergrad-UVSS enhanced plan) – NO referral required
- 1 hr. $35 (Undergrad-UVSS enhanced plan) – NO referral required
- Initial & Subsequent $10 (Graduate – GSS plan) – NO referral required
- 1 hr. $175
- Subsequent (30 minutes) $90
All rates include tax.
We happily accept patients from the greater Victoria area. We are UVic’s complimentary healthcare clinic. Our approach is comprehensive; we work closely with each other to help restore our clients back to optimal health. Our clinicians deal with a wide range of symptoms including: muscular dysfunction, joint pathology, gastrointestinal problems, lack of energy, insomnia, anxiety, and depression. We use techniques such as diet changes, massage, joint manipulation, eastern techniques like needling and others to combat these common conditions.